Category Twitter

Reading and Writing CSV in Bash

Reading and Writing CSV in Bash

Introduction “Comma-separated values” is a widely used file format for tabular data storage, where each row represents a record and each column a field that is contained in that record. The format is known as CSV because commas are used…

Is there a TRY CATCH command in Bash?

Is there a TRY CATCH command in Bash?

Introduction: The “try/catch” command is not supported by “Bash”. Other applications for its properties exist, such “if/else” statements. “Try-catch” is the programming word for handling exceptions. Stated simply, the “try” block throws an exception in the event of an error.…

How to Encrypt a Drive in Ubutu 22.04

How to Encrypt a Drive in Ubutu 22.04

Introduction: In today’s world where professional information is stored digitally, information security has become an important issue. Protecting your privacy requires protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access. Thanks to Encrypt a Drive in Ubutu 22.04, the security of sensitive data…