Category Youtube

Reading and Writing CSV in Bash

Reading and Writing CSV in Bash

Introduction “Comma-separated values” is a widely used file format for tabular data storage, where each row represents a record and each column a field that is contained in that record. The format is known as CSV because commas are used…

Is there a TRY CATCH command in Bash?

Is there a TRY CATCH command in Bash?

Introduction: The “try/catch” command is not supported by “Bash”. Other applications for its properties exist, such “if/else” statements. “Try-catch” is the programming word for handling exceptions. Stated simply, the “try” block throws an exception in the event of an error.…

How to Encrypt a Drive in Ubutu 22.04

How to Encrypt a Drive in Ubutu 22.04

Introduction: In today’s world where professional information is stored digitally, information security has become an important issue. Protecting your privacy requires protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access. Thanks to Encrypt a Drive in Ubutu 22.04, the security of sensitive data…

How to Install Arduino IDE on Debian 12

Introduction: Arduino is a well-known open-source electronics platform that facilitates the creation of engaging and inventive projects for professionals, students, and enthusiasts alike. Installing the Arduino Integrated Development Environment is required before you can begin using Arduino on your Debian…